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Where does Chi Alpha meet? Great question. We are so excited to have our weekly worship gathering back on campus this year! Each Thursday night, we will meet in Geier Hall 33/34! If the location changes, it'll be on our social media.

What denomination is Chi Alpha? We believe that relationship with God transcends denomination. If you are looking for a community that will accept you and push you to grow in relationship with God, then you've found the right place regardless of your belief background. We simply believe in pursuing Jesus and teaching through sound biblical interpretation.


Is Chi Alpha a fraternity or sorority? No. The apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:20 that "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God." Our movement of campus ministries finds its identity in this passage. We believe that God longs to have each and every person be reconciled to Himself, and that the way that re-connection happens is through the representation of his people. Each of us who takes on the identity of “Christian” becomes Christ’s ambassador – or christou apostoloi in Greek, which we shorten to the first letters “Chi” and “Alpha” or XA. Our name is our constant reminder that each of us has a real part to play in this world. We each can carry Him within us to bring Him closer to the people around us.

What do I have to do to join Chi Alpha? Chi Alpha is much more like a family and much less like an organization or a club. The easiest way to get plugged into our family is to come to Chi Alpha on a Thursday night!

Does Chi Alpha have small groups? Yes! Our small groups, or discipleship groups, are known as D-Groups and they are the heartbeat of our family. They meet on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoons and nights. Go to "Connect" on the home page and click the "D-Group" photo to see which groups and what times are available for you! Then, simply text one of the leaders for more information!

Can I donate to Chi Alpha? Yes! If you would like to partner with Chi Alpha, you can head over to the giving area of the home page. If you want Chi Alpha to receive all of your donation and none to be taken out in convenience fees, then you can make a check payable to Chi Alpha and mail it to PO Box 51321 Knoxville, TN 37950! We appreciate your desire to partner with XA at UTK!

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